5. Make Fastpass Selections for Early in the Day
I don’t mean to say that you should be making your Fastpass selections for the early hours of the morning, but they should be around 10 to 11 AM. If you make your Fastpass selections relatively early, you’ll be able to stop by a kiosk or pull out your MyDisneyExperience App on your phone to make more selections for later in the day once you use the first three selections. I’d advise against making the initial selections too early, because the earlier you get to the park, the shorter the wait times will be anyway, so you’re better off using Fastpasses at least at 10 or 11 AM, so you’re skipping lines instead of using Fastpass for attractions you could have basically walked onto.
4. Eat at Off Times
One of the most time consuming things in the Magic Kingdom can surprisingly be something as simple as getting lunch. If you find that you’re getting a quick service lunch at the same time as everyone else, your meal is not necessarily going to be so “quick.” It will save you time and headaches to eat during off times. Get either a really early lunch or a late lunch, and avoid the typical lunch crowds by riding attractions or seeing shows during those times instead.
3. Use the Mobile Order Button
Whether you eat at off times or not, we highly recommend using this awesome feature! It’s super simple to use Mobile Ordering at numerous Quick Service Restaurants throughout Disney World Property. Order and pay for your food from the MyDisneyExperience app and pick up your food when you arrive. It’s awesome! There are multiple Quick Service locations accepting Mobile Ordering at Magic Kingdom such as Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Café, Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe, Pinocchio Village Haus, Columbia Harbour House, and Tomorrowland Terrace Restaurant.
2. Start Early/Stay Late
This point doesn’t mean you have to stay in the Magic Kingdom all day (unless you want to of course!) but I recommend either getting to the parks early or staying there late. The earlier in the morning, or later at night, you’re in the park, the shorter the lines for some of your favorite attractions will be. The middle of the day is the busiest time to be in the park, so if you’re planning on leaving for a midday break at all that would be the time to do it. Sometimes when you’re tired from running around you might be tempted to sleep late, but it’s really worth it to get to the Magic Kingdom early (and see the welcome show before rope drop) and leave in the middle of the day if you feel like you need a nap. A lot of guests also leave the park right after Happily Ever After, so if you stick around after the fireworks, the crowds will thin out and you’ll be able to do some more attractions with little or no wait.
1. Take Advantage of Extra Magic Hours
If you’re staying at a Disney resort you definitely want to take advantage of Extra Magic Hours at the Magic Kingdom. Extra Magic Hours in the Magic Kingdom can take place either an hour before the park opens or a couple of hours after the park closes. While both times give you an extra opportunity to have some more time in the Magic Kingdom, I prefer the evening option, as many Disney resort guests will still exit the park after Happily Ever After, so the park will be even more less crowded later in the evening. Whichever one you choose to go to, it’s definitely worth hitting up Extra Magic Hours because it literally gives you more time in the parks, allowing you to get the most out of your day at the Magic Kingdom. Going to Extra Magic Hours can also help you make up for the time you lost by being away from the park to take a break in the middle of the day.