Auli’i Cravahlo is better known to many of us as the voice for “Moana,” an amazing Disney film with a more modern take on Disney princesses where her character showcases inner strength and vulnerability. Auli’i Cravahlo is one of the narrators during the 2018 Candlelight Processional held as part of Epcot International Festival of the Holidays in Walt Disney World. Disney Parks Blog met up with her before her second night of performances where she shared what the Candlelight Processional means to her.
Check out this video from Disney:
Epcot International Festival of the Holidays is an event held at Epcot in the World Showcase area. The festival features holiday celebrations from around the globe. There are also events including seasonal delicacies from around the globe, live entertainment, festive decorations and more, including the Candlelight Processional. These festival events are even included in regular admission to Epcot.
You only have a few nights left to check out the Candlelight Processional for the 2018 season. The remaining shows will be held on December 28th through 30th, 2018 with Cal Ripken Jr. as the narrator.
Who was fortunate enough to see the Candlelight Processional in 2018?
Photo and Source Credit: Disney Parks Blog