An important update regarding the Reedy Creek bill has been announced. The tension between Disney and Reedy Creek has been building over the past week. The public has been anticipating an update on what the bill’s new amendments might be and when a live discussion will take place. A new update has revealed important information on the Reedy Creek Bill’s future.
Reedy Creek Bill to Be Discussed at Meeting Today
An update on the conflict with be coming sooner than many thought. It was announced today that the Reedy Creek Bill will be discussed today at 2 pm EST during a State Affairs Committee. This is the first time that a public discussion will ensue between Disney and Reedy Creek. The meeting will discuss new amendments made to the Reedy creek bill. Seven board members will be present at the meeting; the Cabinet appointed three, and the other four are members from local offices.
One of the most important parts of this discussion is the new amendments to the bill. Disney News source Scott Gustin shared information on some of the changes. One of the most talked about amendments comes from Florida House Representative Anna V. Eskamani.
Gustin Tweets, “Rep. @AnnaForFlorida filed AN amendment to replace “Central Florida Tourism Oversite District” with “Florida’s Attempt to Silence Critical and Independent Speech and Thought.” People have begun to point out that her amendment spells out F.A.S.C.I.S.T. In total, Representative Eskamani filed five amendments.
Rep. @AnnaForFlorida filed an amendment to replace "Central Florida Tourism Oversight District" with "Florida's Attempt to Silence Critical and Independent Speech and Thought."
— Scott Gustin (@ScottGustin) February 8, 2023
What Will Be Discussed at Reedy Creek Bill Meeting
In addition to Representative Anna V. Eskamani’s amendment, other proposed amendments will be discussed. Some of these amendments discuss the specifics of how board members should be appointed by the Governor. The current system, as outlined in the current 189-page Reedy Creek bill, allows the Governor to appoint all five board members. Representative Eskamani describes the Reedy Creek Bill as a “power grab by Governor Ron DeSantis.”
Representative Eskamani and many other politicians believe that Governer DeSantis is using this bill as a way of punishing Disney for their opposition to his “Don’y Say Gay” bill.
I filed five amendments to the Reedy Creek Bill (aka, power grab by Governor Ron DeSantis) including one to ensure that there is LOCAL Representation in the new board (vs all appointed by the Governor) 1/2
— Rep. Anna V. Eskamani 🔨 (@AnnaForFlorida) February 8, 2023
The Reedy Creek bill being discussed during today’s State Affairs Committee is a huge step in the progression of this conflict. There is still no guarantee that the bill will pass, but the public looks forward to seeing this conflict escalate live.