Disney Ambassadors are a special group of Cast Members. The program dates back to 1965.
What is a Disney Ambassador? According to the Disneyland Public Affairs website:
Disney Ambassadors serve as the Resort’s “Emissaries of Goodwill,” media representatives and as official hosts to Resort guests. As official spokespeople, Ambassadors offer the outside community a personal relationship with the Resort.
The 2019-2021 Disney Ambassadors served an extra year because of COVID and Theme Park closures. These Cast Members went above and beyond during difficult times. Justin Rapp and Disney Parks Blog shared more about the first #AmbassadorAppreciationDay:
Our 2019-2021 Disney Ambassador team knew at the time of their selection they were about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime, but had no idea all that their two-year term, which turned into three years, had in store. Today, on the first ever #AmbassadorAppreciationDay we look back on all this team has accomplished. From special moments with cast members at each of their resorts to connecting with all of us globally, with their #DisneyCastLife series, we all have a favorite Ambassador memory from the past three years.

When speaking to the team on what the highlight of their three-year term was, they all spoke to a common theme: the cast. “I got to meet new people every single day and hear about how passionate our cast members are,” shared Walt Disney World Ambassador Marilyn West.
Related: Ambassador Alumni Name Tags Arrive for Disneyland Paris Ambassadors
Shanghai Disney Ambassador Fiona Huang shared a similar sentiment when asked what her favorite part of being in the role was, “I loved on-the-job training, and the ability to step into the shoes of the cast members who make magic each and every single day.”
“It’s so valuable and unique to see what each cast member sees every day,” shared Rafa Barron from the Disneyland Resort reflecting upon his own experience working alongside cast members in “role shadows” across the resort.

The role of Disney Ambassador expands beyond the parks and connecting with cast, it’s also supporting the local community. For Eleven Song of Shanghai Disney Resort the volunteer and community work were especially rewarding. “One of the most magical things about Disney is our ability to bring out everyone’s inner child.” There is no doubt all of our Ambassadors had many moments of bringing joy and smiles to guests of all ages from working local Disney VoluntEARS events, to hosting Make-A-Wish visits, and visiting local hospitals with Mickey Mouse.
Related: Meet the New Shanghai Disney Resort Ambassador Team
Aulani Ambassador Alyssa-Lende shared that at the heart of the Ambassador experience is “encouraging people all around the world to be their best authentic self.”

The journey of being a Disney Ambassador is a deeply personal one. It’s a multi-year commitment to representing cast members and their respective resorts, which can often mean late nights and early mornings, but the reward and experience is invaluable and culminates into the ultimate Disney cast member experience.
Related: New Disneyland Ambassador Team
“Being an Ambassador was a tremendous honor and brought me an unbelievable amount of happiness,” shared Tokyo Disney Resort Ambassador Ayumi Noguchi. “I truly feel that the various experiences of being an Ambassador have led to my development as an individual.” For Giona Prevete of Disneyland Paris, being in the role “meant being able to represent the resort I’ve come to love so much ever since I was four years old.” Perhaps Melody Leung from Hong Kong Disneyland sums up the experience best, when looking back on the past three years and what it means being a Disney Ambassador, “dreams can actually come true!”
To our 2019 – 2021 Global Disney Ambassador team: thank you for the memories, laughs and inspiration! Join us in celebrating our Disney Ambassadors by sharing a memory or photo on social media and be sure to use the hashtag #AmbassadorAppreciationDay. You can also find giphy stickers just for today’s recognition by searching #AmbassadorAppreciationDay on your social platform.

For more on the Disney Ambassadors and other #DisneyCastLife stories, follow the Disney Ambassador teams on Instagram.
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