“Once Upon a Snowman”, a Frozen short featuring Olaf, is scheduled to debut this Friday (October 23) on Disney+. Our excitement continues to grow as we simply can’t get enough of this cute trailer which makes Friday seem like forever away!
As shared by WhatsOnDisneyPlus: “The previously untold origins of Olaf, the innocent and insightful, summer-loving snowman who melted hearts in the Academy Award®-winning 2013 Disney animated feature, Frozen, and its acclaimed 2019 sequel, are revealed in the all-new Walt Disney Animation Studios animated short, Once Upon a Snowman. The film follows Olaf’s first steps as he comes to life and searches for his identity in the snowy mountains outside Arendelle. Check out the trailer below.”
We have a date with Olaf this Friday! Anyone else clearing their calendar for this cutie?
Source: WhatsOnDisneyPlus