The popular show, La Nouba by Cirque du Soleil, has been performed at Disney Springs in Walt Disney World for almost 20 years, opening in 1998. The show has been viewed by over 10 million guests in its long running time at the venue. The show includes amazing acrobatic performers, break dancers, aerial bamboo, exciting choreography and so much more. The show can be on the pricey side, but is a completely amazing show that has continued to WOW guests throughout the years. We are sad to share that Disney has announced that the last performance of the show will be on December 31st, 2017. That gives guests plenty of time to buy tickets and see the show before it is gone forever.
Jerry Nadal, Senior Vice President of the Resident Shows Division for Cirque du Soleil said, “We are incredibly proud of the success that La Nouba has had for nearly two decades.” He went on to say, “We want to thank Walt Disney World Resort for a wonderful relationship over the years. We look forward to announcing what’s next for Cirque du Soleil.”
Disney hasn’t announced yet what will replace this fantastic show. Disney Parks Blog hinted that given the long-standing relationship that between Disney and Cirque du Soleil we can expect that there will be an announcement of what is to come very soon. We know that Disney will want to offer something amazing in the theater to utilize the space. We can’t wait to see what the future holds at Disney Springs!
How do you all feel about La Nouba closing forever? Who will miss this fantastic show?