We are very sad to learn that one of the delicious meal items at a popular Magic Kingdom quick service restaurant will be discontinued very soon. The Nachos Real Grande was part of a secret menu that was only expected to be offered for a limited time. If you want to enjoy these delicious nachos, then you better get them while you can! The last day that they will be served is September 30th. We aren’t sure what will be offered in its place for a new secret menu item, but we do know that a new item is expected to be available this fall. The secret menus are a lot of fun and give guests additional options at some of their favorite quick service locations around Walt Disney World. You can ask for the secret menu at various locations, including some of the resort quick service locations and see what options are available. Not all locations have them, but it’s really awesome when they do!
You can only get the Nachos Real Grande when you go to Pecos Bill between the hours of 3 PM and 6 PM. These aren’t just any nachos either. They serve 6 to 8 people and cost $90. When you order the “secret nachos” you are escorted to a special reserved table decorated with red checkered napkins and tin plates. You are brought large metal pitchers of the soft drinks of your choice, plus brought out the nachos with bowls of different salsas and cheese dips. Everything is brought out with a lot of fanfare including the cast members ringing cowbells and cheering in a fun, lively processional. After the meal the guests each get cowboy hats, sheriff badges and a certificate for the experience. It is a lot of fun and an awesome, unique experience for guests dining at Walt Disney World.
This experience is about to be gone, so if this sounds like fun, you better get over to Pecos Bill as soon as possible. Who out there has had the Nachos Real Grande experience before?