One Man’s Dream is an attraction at Disney’s Hollywood Studios at Walt Disney World which is has tons of facts and memorabilia from the amazing life of Walt Disney. After you walk through the exhibits, you come to a theater where you can watch a short clip. The clip used to be a clip about Walt Disney, but in recent years it gets changed out to be different movie trailers and such to promote Disney films. It has been confirmed that now through March 26, 2017 the clip you can see will be a 10-minute sneak peek of Disney’s soon to be released in theaters, live action movie, Beauty and the Beast. Even better, as you walk through the exhibit there will also be a couple amazing items from the movie on display. You will see Belle’s ballroom dress that Emma Watson wore during the film and the magical rose.
One Man’s Dream is an attraction that is rumored to be out of the park very soon. Many of the artifacts that used to reside at the attraction have already been moved to the Walt Disney Family Museum and no longer appear there. The attraction is expected to close completely at some point as the construction and changes around the entire park dictate the need to close the attraction in order to make room for what it is to come. This is an attraction that Walt Disney fans hold dear and feel sad about it coming to an end. There is still no word on when the attraction is expected to close, but we will let you know as soon as we hear something!