“Coop & Cami Ask the World” is a new show on Disney Channel. In this series, there is a brother and sister, Cooper and Cami Wrather, who co-host an online show known as “Would You Wrather?” In this show, they ask questions to attendees, called Wratherheads, to help them answer all kinds of different questions. Ruby Rose Turner, who plays Cami on the show, answered a variety of different questions about her very first trip to Walt Disney World!
Here is a look at the interview with Disney Parks Blog:
- What was it like visiting Walt Disney World for the first time?
“An absolute dream come true! Amazing!” - What was your favorite Park?
“My favorite park was Animal Kingdom – no wait Magic Kingdom – Animal Kingdom – Magic Kingdom – okay it’s a tie!” - What was your favorite attraction?
“Oh totally the Rock & Rollercoaster at Hollywood Studios!” - Was there anything unexpected that happened while at Walt Disney World and if so what was it?
“Can you believe the very first thing that happened was that I got to meet Mickey Mouse – unbelievable!” - What advice would you give other first-timers?
“Make sure to get the map, make a plan, and don’t miss anything! No matter what you do make sure you see the fireworks at Magic Kingdom – they are unforgettable!”
You can watch the premiere of “Coop & Cami Ask the World” tomorrow at 8:30 PM on Disney Channel. The second episode will also be available right after the series’ premiere at 9:00 PM in DisneyNOW and on Disney Channel YouTube.
What do you think of the premise for this new show?
Photo and Source Credit: Disney Parks Blog