There are so many fun and amazing things to do when at Walt Disney World, but sometimes kiddos just like the simplicity of being able to run and play on a playground. It can be a really nice change of pace from waiting in lines and navigating through the crowds of people. There is a playground area located near the Test Track area within Future World at Epcot. This playground area has been completely made over to be themed after Ralph Breaks the Internet, one of the newest Disney films to be released into theaters. Ralph Breaks the Internet is the sequel to the popular, Wreck-It Ralph. This new play area lets kids immerse themselves into some of the fun elements of the newest film.
Where entering the area, there is a smiling Ralph and from there kids can climb around and play on the various activities in the space. There is also a cool wheel where the kiddos can spin it to make the colors appear blended together (they can also learn more about this over at the Innoventions pavilion at Colortopia). There are fun areas where the kiddos can pretend that they are driving through the Slaughter Race game or being transported through the internet like Ralph and Vanellope.
Who can’t wait to check out this new playground area with your kiddos? Who has already seen Ralph Breaks the Internet in theaters?