Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway is a popular attraction that debuted at Disney’s Hollywood Studios in Walt Disney World in March 2020. However, its history traces back to the beloved Mickey Mouse cartoon shorts and the Imagineering team’s desire to bring the characters to life in an immersive experience.
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Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway
The concept for the ride began in 2013, with Walt Disney World Imagineers envisioning a 2D cartoon world where Guests could step into Mickey and Minnie’s adventures. Much to the dismay of some theme Park fans, the attraction was planned to replace The Great Movie Ride at Disney’s Hollywood Studios.
Nevertheless, its immersive storytelling combines physical sets, vibrant visuals, and catchy musical numbers. Its success at Disney’s Hollywood Studios led to the announcement of other versions of the ride being developed for other Disney Parks.
The New Themed Popcorn Bucket
Walt Disney World is introducing The Perfect Picnic Basket Popcorn Bucket to celebrate the ride’s success. For those unfamiliar with the ride, The Perfect Picnic Basket is the animated short Guests enter on the Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway attraction.
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The new refillable popcorn bucket is available starting May 15, 2023. Disney World has yet to release the exact locations where it can be purchased, but it’s safe to assume it would be somewhere near Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway. The refillable popcorn bucket resembles a classic picnic basket, with a red checked blanket peeking out and a Mickey Mouse glove holding the handle. It includes a light blue strap featuring items from Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway.
This refillable popcorn bucket debuted at Mickey’s Toontown at Disneyland Park before being brought to Orlando. There is usually a lot of buzz around Disney popcorn buckets. Some garner a significant response from Disney Park fans and memorabilia collectors, such as the Figment Popcorn Bucket, while others come and go with little fanfare. It’ll be curious to see if this Disney popcorn bucket becomes another fan favorite.
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