
“Enchanted” Sequel, “Disenchanted”, To Begin Filming This Spring

We previously shared the exciting news from Disney’s Investor Day that a sequel to “Enchanted” called “Disenchanted” would be coming to Disney+ with Amy Adams returning as Giselle! As if that wasn’t exciting enough, a few weeks later we learned that Patrick Dempsey would be returning as Robert Phillip. Now we’re learning “Disenchanted” is scheduled to begin filming this Spring!


As shared via TheDisInsider: It looks like the gears are turning and the film will hit production soon. Disenchanted will begin filming this Spring in Ireland. The news is interesting as the first film took place in New York, and it should be noted that Ireland looks like the land of Andalasia, the animated land Giselle is from.


Eek! We simply can’t wait to see this one stream to Disney+. We’ll be sure to keep you posted as we learn more about a possible release date.

Source: TheDisInsider

About Jamie Sylvester

I'm a Disney nerd! A kid at heart who loves the magic and memories of Walt Disney World. I follow all things Disney and enjoy the vacations, day trips, and weekend getaways, and geek out over the planning of such events. My goal is to experience as many Disney desserts and cocktails as possible! Married to another Disney nerd and blessed with a daughter and son, we thoroughly enjoy the magic at Disney and are here to help others experience the magic as well.