The popular show, officially titled the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Show Spectacular!, was one of Hollywood Studios’ original attractions from 1989 (aka Disney-MGM Studios). Although it wasn’t operating on opening day, it joined the list a few months later.
The Original Indiana Jones
When the show debuted in 1989, it starred Kevin Brassard as Indiana Jones and Michelle Waitman as Marion Ravenwood. The two actors from the original stunt show were invited to attend the premiere of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023). Brassard and Waitman met Harrison Ford on the red carpet and posed for photographs. Although Harrison Ford, at 80, still stars as Indiana Jones, Brassard has retired as the adventuring archaeologist and now plays the role of “The Producer” in the Hollywood Studios show.
NEW: Kevin Brassard and Michelle Waitman attend “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” premiere. Brassard originated the role of Indiana Jones at 'Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular!' when it first opened in 1989 and now portrays the part of “The Producer.” Waitman portrays Marion.
— Landon McReynolds (@LandonProducer) June 15, 2023
“To have started this venture 34 years ago and to keep the franchise alive, which is hopefully what we’ve done in Florida, it’s amazing, and we’re so appreciative to Disney for making this huge dream come true,” Brassard told the Hollywood Reporter.
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The Dial of Destiny Details
The fifth film in the series, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023), stars Harrison Ford as the titular character, Phoebe Waller-Bridge as his goddaughter Helena Shaw, and Mads Mikkelsen as the film’s villain Jürgen Voller. Other actors in the movie include Antonio Banderas as Renaldo, and John Rhys-Davies, reprising his role as Sallah.
Directed by James Mangold, the movie follows the fedora-wearing archaeologist and his goddaughter searching for a unique artifact that can alter time.
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The new Indiana Jones movie is set to hit theaters on June 30, but fans of Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Show Spectacular! can view that show almost every day of the year at Disney’s Hollywood Studios.
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