Recently, it has been a hot topic for the Florida House of Representatives to pass the Parental Rights Education Bill Nicknamed the Don’t Say Gay Bill. This would prevent teachers from talking about LGBTQ issues until after the third grade. It is currently being considered in the state senate, and it is expected to pass. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will most likely signed this into law.
Many have put their opinions out there on this bill, and despite all of that, Disney has been pretty quiet about the issue. Former Disney CEO Bob Iger tweeted when the bill passed in the house and said it would put LGBTQ youth “in jeopardy”.
A source that had spoken to The Hollywood Reporter, current CEO Bob Capek does not like to publicly take stances on specific issues. They said he has resisted taking a public stance on the Don’t Say Gay Bill and voting rights as he doesn’t consider it relevant to the company and its business. Chapek is planning on discussing the matter internally with Cast Members, though.
They shared: “Chapek appears to want to handle certain controversial topics through internal dialogue. Latondra Newton, Disney’s chief diversity officer, sent a message to staff on Wednesday referencing “deeply troubling and heartbreaking” developments in the news, noting that Chapek had asked “to meet with leaders in our company’s LGBTQ+ community to discuss how Disney can best support these important and valued employees and cast members.” She said the company would schedule a March 22 “Reimagine Tomorrow” conversation — part of an ongoing program for Disney staff — that will be dedicated to “issues of concern to our LGBTQ+ colleagues,” and announced a company-wide “Reimagine Tomorrow Global Summit” for April 13 that will be “the first gathering of our employees worldwide to discuss our progress on and plans for improving diversity, equity and inclusion at Disney,” with Chapek participating.”
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Many Disney fans have wanted Chapek out for quite some time, and there have been many petitions to have him removed. Many say that it is his fault that there is no more magic in the Parks, and he is the reason that there have been money saving tactics for the Disney Company. Guests say they are paying a lot more for less.
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