When the animated film Mulan (1998) debuted, the world was introduced to the inspiring story of a courageous young woman who disguises herself as a man to join the army and protect her family. It starred Ming-Na Wen as the voice of Fa Mulan, with Lea Salonga providing her singing voice.
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Coco Lee
But the popular movie was translated into various other languages. The Hong Kong-born American actress and singer Coco Lee played the Chinese role of Mulan and provided the singing voice for the Disney Princess.
Coco Lee originally made her debut in 1994 and was notable for breaking boundaries, finding significant fame in Asia and Chinese-speaking countries as a pop diva. She eventually entered the international music realm, singing theme songs for movies like Ang Lee’s Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000).
Mulan (1998) recently celebrated its 25th anniversary, and Coco Lee had continued portraying the character over the years. Recently she reprised the iconic song “Reflection” for the live-action remake of Mulan (2020).
She also performed the signature song at the Hong Kong Disneyland Opening Ceremony in 2005.
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Her Passing
Over this past weekend, Coco Lee attempted to take her own life. On July 2 she went to the hospital where she remained in a coma until July 5th.
According to her family, she had been “suffering from depression for a few years,” and her condition “deteriorated drastically over the last few months” despite Lee seeking professional help. Her family also announced that “sadly, that demon inside of her took the better of her.”
She tragically passed away at age 48 “despite the best efforts” of the hospital’s medical team.
Her sister Nancy Lee shared the sad news on an Instagram post and a heartwarming family montage.
The family of Disney actors and actresses is deep and wide, and it’s always sad when one of its members passes away. We send our condolences to the Lee family in this troubling time.